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我與Akashic records的故事

作家相片: weluvtarotweluvtarot

我與Akashic records的故事


Love u all❣️

Today is our big day of “change”

I have to record this precious day❣️

The 1st time to open my own record I would like to share my experience with you.

After our records were opened, the love energy is everywhere floating in the room.

We are getting messages from Master for our own.

Master reminds me about my grandma, the temple she belongs to, I heard the beautiful sound of wooden block, and her kindness while I was a child.

Another scene was my dad cooking in the kitchen.

The last one, a green mountain image pops up. It pops up but its 2D image, flat as a sticker😂

My very 1st time to have vision while my eyes are opened. I saw sea waves on the floor in the studio but I feel like taking the turbo jet to Macau.

All reminders from Masters are related to me.

The energy from Akasha was so heavy, density was so high, we are always loved by our masters and the divine.

We are all as one.

You cannot change anyone, anything but only yourself.

Thanks for Ernesto to have our Malas blessed.

Om Shanti





「未雨綢繆,防患於未然。」 人有一種惰性,就是總會把自己認為不重要的提示忽略,因而錯失修正的黃金時期。所以應該在未有很重大的狀況發生時,使用塔羅作現況分析,可以即時知道此時此刻所作的步驟是否在正確的道路上,若然真的有小問題,也可以馬上修正,處理方面也比較輕鬆。...


我們身為塔羅占卜師,需要為自己的解說負責,該說則說,不該說的絕不會畫蛇添足。 生活是最好的修行道場,就像是Pokémon Gym一樣,要到處和不同的玩家切磋才有進步。 Rachel大部分時間都在自修狀態,自修得耐,係時候共修喇!近半年不斷進修,挑戰自己,最近開始學習當義工服...


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